2002年 聖マリアンナ医科大学大学院卒業。聖マリアンナ医科大学付属大学病院皮膚科、日本赤十字医療センター皮膚科で勤務後、最先端の美容医療を学ぶため渡米。ニューヨーク ワイル・コーネル医科大学(皮膚科)にて勤務、エスティーローダー社化粧品の開発などに関与。2007年3月、東京ミッドタウン皮膚科形成外科ノアージュ(Noage)の院長に就任。アラガン・ジャパンやネスレホールディングス社の医療顧問として全国のドクターに注入シワ治療の指導を行うかたわら、 最先端メディカルコスメmuNoage(ミューノアージュ) の開発を行う。 エイジングケアの美容医療では第一人者として活躍している。2018年5月に医療法人社団 青泉会 今泉スキンクリニックを開業
We are delighted to welcome a beauty professional as our guest speaker who passionately helps Japanese women fulfill their potential to become even more. The powerful entrepreneurial story of Dr. Akiko Imaizumi, a leader in the anti-aging cosmetic treatment field!
Dr. Imaizumi is playing an active role on the front line of rejuvenating beauty treatments with her expertise in providing clients with what recommends as best suitable for their face and skin condition. Taking advantage of her time in NYC, she launched into her training without a local medical license. Upon returning to Japan, Dr. Imaizumi opened a clinic at Tokyo Midtown where she became the Director and continued to develop cosmetics, as well as, embarked on a new journey in 2018 opening her own skin clinic located in a prime location of Roppongi. This is a great opportunity to learn how she made decisions at each milestone to flesh out her entrepreneurial story, the very picture of "powerful." You can also explore the secret to maintain youthfulness at this talk show!
RECOMMENDED FOR: Ladies who want to hear various career stories from professional women, thinking of entrepreneurship or interested in learning about the beauty industry.
SPEAKER: Dr. Akiko Imaizumi
Dr. Imaizumi chose a career in dermatology to help people who suffer from atopic dermatitis, the same trouble she had in her own childhood. After graduating with the master degree from St. Mariana University School of Medicine, she began her career in dermatology at the Japanese Red Cross Medical Center. Some time later, Dr. Imaizumi left for the US to learn cutting-edge cosmetic medicine and worked for Weill Cornell Medicine at the Department of Dermatology in New York where she engaged in developing cosmetics for brands including Estee Lauder. In March 2007, she was appointed as Director of Noage, Tokyo Midtown Aesthetic Clinic. While developing muNoage, one of the most advanced medical cosmetics, she also traveled throughout the country as a medical advisor for Allergan Japan and Nestle Holdings to instruct doctors on injection treatments for wrinkles. Dr. Imaizumi steadily built her career as a leader in cosmetic treatment of aging care and opened the Imaizumi Skin Clinic in May 2018.
FACILITATOR: Dr. Akiko Imaizumi[THE CHOICE Accelerator]
AVAILABLE TO: All THE CHOICE Members & Non-Members
Photos by Ryoko Maruyama